Working capital

Working capital, also referred to as net working capital, is a crucial figure for companies.  It is particularly important for B2B businesses, as their working capital traditionally services large volumes.  A dependence on the equity-to-premium ratio also increases the importance of working capital.

In a lot of companies there is often more capital tied up in working capital than is actually necessary.  This can be reduced through strategic working capital management, thereby allowing companies to free up liquid funds which can be used for investment, paying back credit or simply as reserve funds.

Optimizing capital has another benefit: working capital is an indicator of a company’s financial strength and as a result it shows up on the balance sheet.  If a company can improve its balance sheet relation, it has a positive impact on their credit rating too.

Small and medium sized businesses often don’t have the opportunity to refinance through their banks.  We can source a variety of working capital options across all areas – purchase, inventory or debt.

In order to find the best option for your company, we consider all of these areas together.  We can then ultimately determine strategic working capital management across the whole financing range. 

We have an extensive range of products at our disposal, from factoring and purchase financing through to inventory financing. We are continually researching which measures are likely to best fit your company and we tailor our advice specifically.  GFL is the working capital specialist for you!

Let us be a part of your success story!

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+41 79 7930532